

Spirituality & Psychic Ability


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Affairs & Cheating Hearts, Breakup & Divorce, Finding New Love, LGBTQ Relationships, Toxic Relationships, Soulmates, Family Issues, Friends & Social life, Career and Money, Life Path & Destiny, Clairvoyant, Energy Healer, Intuitive/Empath, Psychic Medium

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Paris's Background

Spirituality & Psychic Ability - 25 Years of Experience

Affairs & Cheating Hearts, Breakup & Divorce, Finding New Love, LGBTQ Relationships, Toxic Relationships, Soulmates, Family Issues, Friends & Social life, Career and Money, Life Path & Destiny, Clairvoyant, Energy Healer, Intuitive/Empath, Psychic Medium


My name is Paris I am a natural born gifted spiritualist clairvoyant for over 20 years. I specialize in love, relationships, career, finances, soulmates, twin flames, decision making, and more. I am dedicated to using my natural gifts and senses to help you on the correct pathway through life. it is my passion. I am nonjudgmental and I can help you with any given situation. I will provide clarity and guidance for your situation with a fast response and detailed answers for your reading. with whatever you dealing with I look into the universe and use my gifts to look into your energy and provide the most accurate information for you. Rather it is guidance in love, seeing what’s ahead for your career. asking about making decisions in your life, trying to connect with an old friend, or just seeing how you can make your relationship or career better, I can help by giving guidance and spiritual advice. I do not sugarcoat any information that I give. I give the truth and only the truth so please do not be upset what I see is from your energy and current surroundings and it can possibly be what you might not want to hear. I work by using your full name and date of birth. Chat with me today to receive answers to your questions and get insight into your current situation. I help with all matters in life and I guarantee complete accuracy.


Angel/Oracle Cards, Astrology, Auras, Chakras, Counseling, Crystals, Dream interpretation, Life coaching, Meditation, Past lives Interpretation, Pendulum/Dowsing, Tarot, Can Read Without Tools

Interviews/Media Appearance

I work from home


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